member qualifications & application
REGULAR: A REGULAR Member shall have the right to one vote and shall have the right to hold office. To be eligible to be a Regular Member, a person shall:
(a) Have been an 1811 Agent in a Federal investigative service and assigned to and living on the Mexican Border for a period of at least three years; or
(b) Have been an 1811 Agent in a Federal investigative service for a period of at least three years and currently assigned to a post of duty on Border in an 1811 position; or
(c) Have been a Federal law enforcement officer assigned to, and living on the Mexican Border for a period of at least three years, and currently serving in an 1811 Agent position; or
(d) Have had, or currently has, direct supervisory responsibility for the US/Mexico Border law enforcement activities of the 1811 Agents of a Federal investigative service.
ASSOCIATE: To be eligible to be an ASSOCIATE Member, a person shall:
(a) Have been an 1811 Agent in Federal service or have been in a comparable position in the State or Local employment sector and on many occasions conducted criminal investigations with a federal law enforcement office on the U.S./Mexico Border; or
(b) Be the spouse of a Regular Member in good standing; or
(c) Be the surviving spouse of a deceased Federal criminal investigator who met the eligibility requirements for Regular Membership.
APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP – Print out this page and fill in the requested information and send to
MEMBERSHIP TYPE: Regular_____ Associate_____
NAME:____________________________, __________________________, _________________________
(last) (first) (middle)
SPOUSE’S FIRST NAME: ____________________ MEMBER? Yes ____ No ____
RESIDENCE ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________
____________________________,_________ ______________
(city) (state) (zip)
DATE OF BIRTH: ____/____/________ SSN: ______-
PHONE:Home: (_____-
BUSINESS TITLE:__________________________________________________________
Periods of service, posts of duty and GS-
Applicant authorizes the Fraternal Order of Border Agents, Inc. to conduct such inquiries as it deems necessary to determine Membership eligibility.
______________________________________________ _________________
Signature Date
Referred by:__________________________________________________________________
Please send completed application with check for $40.00 (includes $20.00 initiation fee and $20.00 annual dues Enclose
an additional $20.00 if you wish your spouse to become an Associate Member.
Mail completed application and your check payable to FOBA to:
FOBA, PO Box 3526. Waco, TX 76707
Approved:______ Disapproved: ________ Date: ____________
Record entered: ____/____/_______ Membership package sent: ____/____/_______
Signature of Membership Chairman