member qualifications & application


REGULAR: A REGULAR Member shall have the right to one vote and shall have the right to hold office. To be eligible to be a Regular Member, a person shall:

(a) Have been an 1811 Agent in a Federal investigative service and assigned to and living on the Mexican Border for a period of at least three years; or

(b) Have been an 1811 Agent in a Federal investigative service for a period of at least three years and currently assigned to a post of duty on Border in an 1811 position; or

(c) Have been a Federal law enforcement officer assigned to, and living on the Mexican Border for a period of at least three years, and currently serving in an 1811 Agent position; or

(d) Have had, or currently has, direct supervisory responsibility for the US/Mexico Border law enforcement activities of the 1811 Agents of a Federal investigative service.

ASSOCIATE: To be eligible to be an ASSOCIATE Member, a person shall:

(a) Have been an 1811 Agent in Federal service or have been in a comparable position in the State or Local employment sector and on many occasions conducted criminal investigations with a federal law enforcement office on the U.S./Mexico Border; or

(b) Be the spouse of a Regular Member in good standing; or

(c) Be the surviving spouse of a deceased Federal criminal investigator who met the eligibility requirements for Regular Membership.


APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP – Print out this page and fill in the requested information and send to 


MEMBERSHIP TYPE:                Regular_____                      Associate_____


NAME:____________________________, __________________________, _________________________

                           (last)                                       (first)                                 (middle)

SPOUSE’S FIRST NAME: ____________________                 MEMBER? Yes ____  No ____


RESIDENCE ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________


                                            ____________________________,_________      ______________

                                                                  (city)                             (state)                    (zip)

DATE OF BIRTH: ____/____/________                              SSN: ______-____-_______


PHONE:Home: (_____-____-_________ Business: (_____-_____-_________ E- Mail__________________________________


BUSINESS TITLE:__________________________________________________________


Periods of service, posts of duty and GS-1811 positions held for Regular Membership, or qualifying positions in which served for Associate Membership:  BE EXPLICIT OR APPLICATION WILL BE RETURNED. (Use Back For More Space)




Applicant authorizes the Fraternal Order of Border Agents, Inc. to conduct such inquiries as it deems necessary to determine Membership eligibility.


______________________________________________              _________________

Signature                                                                                 Date


Referred by:__________________________________________________________________


Please send completed application with check for $40.00 (includes $20.00 initiation fee and $20.00 annual dues Enclose

an additional $20.00 if you wish your spouse to become an Associate Member.


Mail completed application and your check payable to FOBA to:
FOBA, PO Box 3526. Waco, TX  76707                                             




Approved:______     Disapproved: ________                    Date: ____________


Record entered: ____/____/_______                    Membership package sent:  ____/____/_______



Signature of Membership Chairman